Tristan's Favorite Linux Games

This is a list of my favorite games on Linux. They may not be your favorite games, but that is why it is called "Tristan's Favorite Linux Games". If you are one of those people who think there are no good games for Linux, be prepared to be surprised.

These games are all free of cost, and they will be labeled if they are not open source. Most of these games also run natively on Windows, so try to get your friends to switch to Linux after playing these games on Windows!

This page will become a permanent part of my blog, and I intend to update it when I learn of new favorite games.

Turn-based Strategy

(like "Civilization" or "Heroes of Might and Magic")

Music Rhythm Action Game
(like Guitar Hero)

Real Time Strategy
(like "Warcraft" or "Starcraft")

Real Time Strategy Shooter

Scrolling Space Shooter

First-person shooters

(like Doom, Quake, Unreal, Half-Life, Halo)

Flight Simulator

(like EverQuest, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars)

Rally Car racing

Role Playing Game

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I suggest a game to be added to this list?
A: Of course! Please leave a comment with a link to the game.

Links to similar game sites for Linux


  1. check out blobwars (platformer/shootemup)

  2. Thanks.

    I hadn't seen Frets on Fire before, its great :D

  3. Ummm, Hero of Allacrost has a Windows client. Last I checked the Allacrost demo was running on Windows, Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD.

  4. Tyler,

    Thanks for the info, I will update this page.


  5. TripleA is a free software implementation of Axis & Allies, a turn-based strategy game that supports both single- and mutli-player modes. It's written in Java, so should be playable on darned near anything.

  6. Have a look at xmoto, a cross motor bike stunt action game. :) It's in the repositories, addictive, challenging and there are hundreds of levels that can be downloaded from within the game.

  7. About the Music Rhythm Action Game type of game, you can also try PyDance (It's in the repositories, but you can also check it here: )

    It's like Dance Dance Revolution :D

    Also, in the Real Time Strategy type of game, you can give TA-Spring a try:

    You can get it here:

  8. X-Moto is one of my favorites

  9. For MMORPG: Second Life (learning the ropes, and great community) and Eternal Lands (Addictive but i grew to hate the game. Plenty of players though).

    Both have a large linux user base.

  10. I can't believe no one mentioned Frozen Bubble yet!

    KQ is a good console RPG, but it is not finished yet.

  11. has wiki entry but not good enough for a link?

  12. Have you tried FreeDroidRPG? It is also not complete but quite fun.

  13. I know that graphics isn't all in videogames, but NO game apart Quake 4 and Doom 3, which i don't like at all, is even comparable to windows ones.
    Open source games can be fun for casual gamers, but hardcore gamers actually look for better graphics.


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