The easy way to resize hard drive partitions
This past week I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a second hard drive for my father. It is a 250 GB drive, and he wanted to give 30 GB to Ubuntu. I got to the "Resize Partion" step and dragged the slider so that it said "New partition size: 30 GB". I installed Ubuntu and when the system came up I found out that "New Partition" was not talking about the new Ubuntu partition. Instead, it resized the original partition to 30GB, and Ubuntu was now using 220 GB! This confusing behavior led me to update this bug . What do I do now that I my hard drive partitions are not setup like I wanted them to be? Of course, any serious hacker would perform the complex operation of resizing the partitions manually. I, however, prefer to solve things the "easy" way so that I can spend my time on more productive activities. So what is the "easy" to fix this? The answer is... the GParted LiveCD . The GParted LiveCD is an amazing tool that greatly simplifies ...