Ubuntu's amazing release schedule

I posted this in response to Matt Asay's recent blog about Ubuntu.


Thanks for discussing the Forbes article on Ubuntu.

In your last paragraph you talk about Ubuntu needing longer release cycles (and that it is moving in that direction). I agree that longer release cycles are necessary for enterprise adoption, and I am excited to see that Ubuntu is once again pioneering the way for Linux distributions in this area.

I blogged about the new release schedule in April.

The main idea is that Ubuntu will continue to create a new release every 6 months or so. The great addition to this plan is that they will declare an enterprise-ready "Long Term Support (LTS)" version every 1.5 to 2 years (or 3 to 4 interim releases).

This allows the individual user to try out the newest release of Ubuntu every six months, while enterprises don't have to worry about upgrading until the next LTS version is thoroughly tested and released.

Ubuntu is all about great useability, a vibrant community, and providing a enormous selection of current applications.

Keep your eye on Ubuntu, it just may become the Google of Linux. (Both are FREE tools that will dominate their respective markets.)


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