Getting excited about Ubuntu... all over again!

I have been impressed with Ubuntu ever since the very first release of Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog). I was impressed that Ubuntu could fit on a single CD, which was achieved by limiting the included software to the best application for each functional task. I was giddy with excitement to learn about the enormous (and ever growing) application repository that allows me to install over 15,000 applications with just a few clicks.

Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy: Knot2) - This page describes the changes that are being made in this alpha release of the next version of Ubuntu. There will be a page like this for each alpha and beta release, so it is a great way to follow the developments and improvements being made to Ubuntu.

There are many other ways to keep updated on the current developments of Ubuntu. The easiest ways to keep informed are to visit these sites:
BTW, if you are looking for help and support for Ubuntu you have these resources available:


  1. I have also been very impressed with Ubuntu. In fact, I believe that it is going to be the destribution version that will get me 100% over to open source.

    Unfortunately, many people are not as convinced as I am because they are not certain as to what to expect. I am in the process of creating a number of articles about using and setting up Ubuntu. I start off with an installation walkthrough. Please feel free to check it out at



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