World's Largest Bottle Rocket

My wife and I were fortunate to witness the launch of the world's largest bottle rocket on the Fourth of July. I must confess that I was stunned by the enormous amount of energy that is experienced during the launch. It was so surreal, it felt like I was watching an animated movie rather than experiencing a man-made miracle. The only thing I can compare it to is watching a 12-story building suddenly lift off the ground and head to into low Earth orbit... which means that I can't compare it to anything.
Another astounding aspect of the shuttle launch is the complexity of systems that work together; it truly is an engineering marvel. The space shuttle is often called "the most complex machine ever built by mankind".
Here are some facts that may help you understand what a space shuttle launch entails:
- A Space Shuttle and its boosters ready for launch are the same height as the Statue of Liberty but weigh almost three times as much.
- The Space Shuttle's solid rocket boosters burn 10 tons of propellant per second!
- Space shuttles are the "world's first reusable spacecraft." All of the components are reused except for the external fuel tank, which burns up in the atmosphere after launch.
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