This is your T-1 line. This is your T-1 on P2P drugs.

This is an example of what happens when someone uses a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) application over a T-1 line. Notice the normal traffic patterns on the left, and the P2P traffic on the right. (That is where it is bouncing along at 100% bandwidth usage). You can see that this user was uploading just as fast as he downloaded. By the end of the day, this user's connection was disabled and traffic returned to normal.
If you want to easily create graphs like this for your network, I highly recommend taking a look at Cacti. Once Cacti is installed, the device monitoring and graphs can all be setup via the beautiful web-interface.
I installed cacti per your suggestion but I'm not entirely sure how to configure it. If you use it or you could give me some tips I would really appreciate it.