When an ATM machine uses Windows...

You just may see this on your screen...

This program was minimized on the bottom left side of the screen.

Anyone other pictures of fun Windows errors in public places?


  1. Was this outside the Union?

  2. It was an ATM inside a grocery store.

  3. The scary thing is, the program minimized in the bottom corner is a VNC like application, it lets a central server login to the PC, and control mouse/keyboard activity on it. I can see the need for it, but I wouldn't like that someone can come in and watch what I'm doing (seeing my balance, for example) or even "take over" and possibly trnsfer money out of my account somehow...


  4. I've ran into similar situations in PerĂº, with two different banks


  5. Here's something I saw at Frankfurt Airport.

  6. I saw one of the kids drawing PCs at Disney Quest had crashed with a Windows error. It wasn't a BSOD.

  7. Hate to say it, but it looks like Windows is innocent here. It looks like the application that runs on top of it crashed, not the system itself.

  8. check out this windows-crash picture collection in Italian!


    enjoy seeing windows crash :-)

  9. oops! sorry! the previous link is incomplete! Here's the right one: i had to split it into 2 lines...


  10. In the name of being fair and balanced, I once saw a display machine in mcdonalds (running Linux) have a boot error and keep rebooting itself over and over and over again.

    I seriously wonder why a system would run Windows at all if all it was going to do was act as a frontend to a VNC-like app. There's no reason whatsoever to use Windows in a thin-client-like setup.


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